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CBSE Board Class 12 History Important Questions 2024

CBSE Board Class 12 History Important Questions 2024

Board Exams are starting in February. So, I have brought CBSE Board Class 12 History Important Questions 2024 which are being asked the same for last 3-4 years. Try to solve these questions for securing high marks in your board examinations.

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CBSE Board Class 12 History Important Questions 2024: Objective 

1. Which one of the following was the main demand of the Khilafat movement?

(a) Dominion status for India.

(b) Self-rule to India.

(c) Restoration of Caliphate of Turkey

(d) Revival of orthodox culture of Islam


2. Who among the following was the best known ruler of the Satavahana Dynasty?

(a) Yagnasri Satakarni.

(b) Simuka Satakarni.

(c) Gotami-puta Siri- Satakarni.

(d) Vashisthaputra Satakarni.


3. Identify the picture from the given options

CBSE Board Class 12 History Important Questions 2024


(a) Terracota figure of a sathavahana ruler

(b) Ashoka fighting Kalinga war.

(c) Terracota figure depicting a scene from Mahabaratha (West Bengal)

(d) A sculpture depicting Krishna advising Arjuna.


4. Consider the following statements regarding Harappan Culture and choose the correct option.

(A) The most unique feature was the development of urban centres.

(B) The settlements were divided into two sections i.e. the citadel and the lower town. —

(C) Drainage system was ordinary and unplanned.

(D) Roads were not laid out along a grid pattern.


5. There are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R), mark your answer as per the codes given below.

Assertion (A) Asoka inscribed his messages to his subjects and officials on stone surfaces.

Reason (R) He wanted to proclaim what religion should be followed by all.

(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A

(c) A is true, but R is false

(d) A is false, but R is true


6. Choose the correct option from the following statements with reference to the Magadha empire.

(a) Initially Pataliputra was the capital of Magadha.

(b) Chandra Gupta was one of the early rulers of Magadha who ruled in 6 BCE.

(c) Magadha became the most powerful Mahajanapada between 6th and 4th BCE.

(d) Ashoka was the founder of Mauryan dynasty.


7. Read the following statements carefully and identify the place where this Dargah is located from the given options.

(i) It is a Dargah of the Shaikh Moinuddin Chishti.

(ii)Akbar visited this place many times.

(a) Delhi

(b) Mehrauli

(c) Ajmer

(d) Fatehpur Sikri


8. Which one of the following countries was the source of cotton after the break of the American Civil War in 1861?


(b) Africa

(c) India

(d) Sri Lanka


9. Who among the following led the flag of the Revolt of 1857 against the British in Bihar?

(a) Nana Sahib

(b) Maulvi Ahmadullah

(c) Kunwar Singh

(d) Birjis Qadr


10. Who among the following travelled in the Vijayanagar empire in the 15th century and was greatly impressed by the fortification of the Vijayanagar?

(a) Daurte Barbosa

(b) Colin Mackenzie

(c) Abdur Razzak

(d) Domingo Paes


11. Why was the task of defining minority rights in the Constituent Assembly difficult? Choose the correct option from the following: –

(a) Different groups had different demands regarding rights.

(b) British did not want to include it in the constitutional frame work.

(c) Gandhiji opposed the idea of special rights for some sections.

(d) Rights of people in Princely states were ambiguous.


12. Gandhiji asked for the remission of taxes for the peasants in which of the following movement?

(a) Rowlatt satyagraha

(b) Champaran Satyagraha

(c) Kheda Satyagraha

(d) Salt Satyagraha


13. Rama Raya was the Chief Minister of.

(a) Vijayanagara

(b) Bijapur

(c) Golconda

(d) Ahmednagar


14. In which year Akbar abolished the tax on Pilgrimage?

(a) 1556

(b) 1563

(c) 1575

(d) 1580


15. Hastinapur was the capital of which of the following?

(a) Pandavas

(b) Kurus

(c) Mlechchhas

(d) None of these


16. To save their property, whom did the zamindar transferred it to?

(a) Children

(b) Servants

(c) Women

(d) None of these


17. Which of the following issues did not contributed in spread of revolt?

(a) Issue of Cartridges

(b) Conversion of Indians to Christianity

(c) Mixing of bone dust in flour

(d) Dishonouring Hindu Women


18. Dharmasutras and Dharmashastra recognized how many forms of marriage?

(a) Three

(b) Four

(c) Six

(d) Eight


19. The marriage of Draupadi was a practice of which type of marriage?

(a) Exogamy

(b) Polygamy

(c) Polyandry

(d) Endogamy


20. Who applied the name India to our country?


(B) Persians

(C) Greeks

D) English



1. How were Harappa seals and sealings used to facilitate long distance communication? What did the sealings convey?

2. Why is the 6th century BCE often regarded as a major turning point in the early Indian history.

3. How were the coins used in the 1st century CE? Give two examples.

4. Identify any two strategies evolved by Brahmanas to enforce the norms of varna order from C 600 BCE to 600 CE.

5. Mention the rules about classification of people in terms of ‘gotra’ under Brahmanical practice around 1000 BCE onwards.

6. How was Buddha’s presence shown through symbols? Give two examples.

7. Name the two types of sources through which we come to know about Buddha and his teachings.

8. Mention any two characteristics of the cities Battuta. in the Indian sub-continent as described by Ibn.

9. Examine the causes that made Al-Biruni visit India.

10. Point out any two similarities between the philosophy of Kabir and Guru Nanak Dev.

11. Mention any two sources to know about Bhakti and Sufi traditions from 8th century to 18th century.

12. “India had unique system of communication during the 14th century” Examine the statement made by Ibn Battuta.

13. Analyse the main features of Amara nayaka system which was introduced in the Vijayanagar Empire.

14. “The Burdwan auction had a strange twist and was considered a big public event in 1797”, explain the statement.

15. “The relationship of the sepoys with the superior white officers underwent a significant change in the years preceding the uprising of 1857”, support the statement with examples.

16. Describe any three features of the ‘Great Bath’ used in the Harappan settlements.

17. Critically examine the limitations of the inscriptional evidence in understanding political and economic history of India.

18. Examine the evidence that suggests land revenue was important for the Mughal Fiscal system.

19. Examine the condition of zamindars in Mughal agrarian society.

20. “The Quit India Movement genuinely a mass movement”. Justify the statement.

21. The world beyond the palace

Just as the Buddha’s teachings were compiled by his followers, the teachings of Mahavira were also recorded by his disciples. These were often in the form of stories, which could appeal to ordinary people. Here is one example, from a Prakrit text known as the Uttaradhyayana Sutta, describing how a queen named Kamalavati tried to persuade her husband to renounce the world: If the whole world and all its treasures were yours, you would not be satisfied, nor would all this be able to save you. When you die, O king and leave all things behind, dhamma alone, and nothing else, will save you. As a bird dislikes the cage, so do I dislike (the world). I shall live as a nun without offspring, without desire, without the love of gain, and without hatred… Those who have enjoyed pleasures and renounced them, move about like the wind, and go wherever they please, unchecked like birds in their flight… Leave your large kingdom abandon what pleases the senses, be without attachment and property, then practise severe penance, being firm o energy.

(i) Identify the person who persuaded the king to renounce the world.

(ii) “Oh king, dhamma alone and nothing else will save you”-. What does the word “dhamma” signifies and whose teachings was followed by the disciple.

(iii) Under which context the following statement “unchecked like birds in their flight…” was told by the disciple of Mahavira?

22. Read the source given below carefully and answer the questions that follow:

A Demon?

This is an excerpt from a poem by Karaikkal Ammaiyar in which she describes herself: The female Pey (demoness) with bulging veins, protruding eyes, white teeth and shrunken stomach, red haired and jutting teeth lengthy shins extending till the ankles, shouts and wails while wandering in the forest. This is the forest of Alankatu, which is the home of our father (Shiva) who dances eight directions, and with cool limbs. with his matted hair thrown own in all

(i) How beauty has been personified by Karaikal Ammaiyar?

(ii) “Bulging veins, protruding eyes, white teeth and shrunken stomach”, “Shouts and wails”. State the reason behind the poet’s condition in the excerpt given.

23. Analyse the role of Indian Sanskritist V.S. Suthankar and his team in the preparation of critical edition of Mahabharata.

24. Art and Literature as much as the writing of history have helped in keeping alive the memory of 1857.” Explain the statement in reference to Rani Lakshmibai.

25. Describe any three features of ancient numismatics.

Sujeet Barai

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