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CBSE Class 10 English Important Questions 2024

CBSE Class 10 English Important Questions 2024

You all know that CBSE Board Exam is coming in February. So, I have brought CBSE Class 10 English Important Questions 2024  which are being asked the same for last 3-4 years. Try to solve these questions for securing high marks in your board examination. You can also check the Important Questions for Science.

CBSE Class 10 English Important Questions 2024: Key Questions

Question 1: (a) Whenever we want to achieve something, difficulties always come in our way. What did Valli have to do to go and ride in a bus?

(b) Through the story of Kisa Gotami, what did the Buddha try to preach to the common man?


Question 2: A brilliant scientist though he was Griffin misused his scientific discovery. Illustrate this point by giving any two examples from the story.


Question 3: Write a brief character sketch of Lomov. (The Proposal)


Question 4: Imagine that M. Loisel, from The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant, writes a diary entry, exploring the theme of class and social status, and the nature of social mobility, in the context of his own experience.

Write this diary entry, as M. Loisel, in about 120 words.


Question 5: Mijbil and the Tiger, both were looked after by humans. Assume they both meet each other in the zoo and have a conversation about their lifestyle and feelings. Write this conversation as per your understanding of Mijbil the Otter and A Tiger in the Zoo.

CBSE Class 10 English Important Questions 2024: 3 Marks Questions

Question 1: Ausable was, for one thing, fat. Very fat. And then there was his accent. Though he spoke French and German passably, he had never altogether lost the American accent he had brought to Paris from Boston twenty years ago. “You are disappointed,” Ausable said wheezily over his shoulder.

(a) Who is “you” here? (i) Fowler (ii) Ausable (iii) Waiter (iv) Max

(b) Ausable was a native of__________ (i) France (ii) Germany (iii) the U.S. (iv) Sweden

(c) ‘You’ believed that Ausable was a_________

(d) He spoke French Like an____________


Question 2: The story, A Triumph of Surgery is a powerful example of the importance of saying “no”. Explain.


Question 3: Give one reason why ‘The Tale of Custard the Dragon’ is more a fable than a ballad.


Question 4: How can we say that Natalya was continuously successful in maintaining an upper hand during her arguments with Lomov? (Any one Example)


Question 5: The various elements of Robert Arthur’s writing style work together to create a sense of tension, uncertainty, and suspense, well-suited to the mystery and suspense genre of the story, The Midnight Visitor. Comment, with reference to any one element.

CBSE Class 10 English Important Questions 2024: 1 Mark Questions

1. Identify the reason for the speaker’s need to colour her hair, as per the extract.

A. Her control over what makes her look beautiful.

B. Her desire to be loved for inner beauty

C. Her need to change people’s perception about beauty

D. Her conviction that she is beautiful inside

2. Select the sentence in which the word ‘set’ is used in a similar manner as line 2 of the extract. A. I want to set him up and get my work done this time. B. Do you have another set of books that I can read? C. The dessert needs to be set for two hours before being served.

3. If an actor were to enact this extract, what would he be required to focus on, while  If an actor were to enact this extract, what would he be required to focus on, while modulating his voice?

4. In what way does the language used in this poem challenge traditional ideas of what poetry should be?

5. Which of the following best describes the speaker’s attitude towards destruction caused by ice?

A. Indifferent B. Fearful C. Dismissive D. Respectful

CBSE Class 10 English Important Questions 2024: Chapter-Wise Questions

Chapter – Glimpses of India

1. What are the elders in Goa nostalgic about?

2. How do we get to know that the makers of bread still exist?

3. Who invites the comment –“ he is dressed like a pader? ”Why ?

4. What did the bakers wear -i) in the Portuguese days ? ii) when the author was young?

5. Is bread an important part of Goan life? How do you know this?

Chapter – Madam Rides the Bus

1. What was a source of unending joy for Valli? What was her strongest desire?

2. Valli was an eight-year-old girl who was very curious about things. What was her favourite pastime?

3. Why did Valli not get off from the bus when it stopped at the bus stand?

4. Why does the conductor refer to Valli as ‘madam’?

5. How did Valli manage to leave the house?

Chapter – The Sermon at Benares

1. Who was Gautama Buddha? When and where was he born?

2. Why did Prince Siddhartha leave the palace and become a monk?

3. What is a sermon? Is it different from a lecture or a talk?

4. What did the Buddha do after he had attained enlightenment?

5. Why was Kisa Gotami sad? What did she do in her hour of grief?

Chapter – The Proposal (Play)

1. What happens to Lomov when he is in an excited state?

2. Why does Chubukov suspect Lomov when he comes to his house?

3. Why does Lomov say that Chubukov is not a good neighbour but a land-grabber?

4. What is the ailment that Lomov is suffering from?

5. Describe Chubukov’s reaction when he comes to know about Lomov’s purpose of visit.

Poem – Amanda

1. How old do you think Amanda is? How do you know this?

2. Why is Amanda getting scolded for having chocolate?

3. What could Amanda do if she were a mermaid?

4. Who do you think is speaking to her?

5. What does the girl yearn for? What does this poem tell you about Amanda?

Poem – Animals

1. What does the poet wish to do at the beginning of the poem?

2. What conclusion does the poet come to at the end of the poem?

3. Do humans kneel to other humans who lived thousands of years ago? Give reason for your answer.

4. Why does the poet like animals?

5. Explain the satisfaction that animals have and humans don’t.

Poem – The Tale of Custard the Dragon

1. How did each of Belinda’s pets react at the sight of the pirate?

2. How is the ” The Tale of Custard the Dragon” a ballad?

3. Why did everyone make fun of the dragon?

4. Where did Belinda live ? Which animals lived with Belinda?

5. Belinda and other animals have been described as brave. But on seeing the pirate, they behaved in a cowardly way. How did they react?



Sujeet Barai

Hello friends, my name is Sujeet Barai, I am the Founder and Writer of this blog and share all the information related to Academics, Important Questions for all the competitive exams and latest Job Vacancies through this website.

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